Brave New World Novel by Aldous Huxley

Book Information :::::...

  • Book Name: Brave New World
  • Book Author: Aldous Huxley
  • Book Categories: Literature & Fiction, United States
  • Book Language: English

Book Description :::::...

Stalwart New World is a dystopian novel by English author Aldous Huxley, written in 1931 and published in 1932. Originally set in a futuristic world state with genetically modified citizens and an intelligence-based social ladder, the new novel anticipates much progress moving forward scientific. The combination of reproductive technology, dream literacy, brain manipulation, and classical effort creates a dystopian society that is challenged by a single entity, the promoter of history.

Brave New World Novel Reviews: 

As the proposed romantic society inescapably turns dystopian in Huxley's new Brave New World, citizens are stripped of their freedom and independence in order to maintain social stability. The World State is organized into five nobility Birth, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Epsilon, and each group is conditioned to be content in their social status indeed though Nascences and Betas are superior to the rest. As the novel progresses, the albums allow us to see how the excrescences of society impact the characters. The World State is full of technological intervention and reliance on drug to hide the unpleasing veracity. In fact, the characteristics of the World State can be related to the heritable engineering of the moment, mass consumerism and the dependence on drug despite the fact that the novel was written in the 1930s. The character dynamic between Bernard Marx and Lenina Crowne it shows how Lenina tries to be a amenable citizen, while Bernard looks both strange and shocked with the workings of the world state. John the Savage is one of the characters introduced in the middle of the novel to give the perspective and opinion of an stranger who doesn't live in the World State. 
 I completely enjoyed this novel as I watched the characters develop and interact with each other. This book warns us about the abuse of technology to control a population and how distractions and trouble are used to keep citizens superficial. In fact, although this book takes these aspects to the extreme, our reality is beginning to evolve in that direction as we discover different technologies and operations for them. The precise parallels between the world state and our world put me off, but I make this interesting read as each chapter offered a new turn of events, which made me want to keep reading.